Adolescence can be a trying time for many youngsters. It is a period characterized by identity development; negotiation of peer relationships and parent-child interactions; and formation of academic, social, and psychosexual interests and goals.
Teens can often benefit greatly from psychotherapy, as clinicians guide them in understanding and negotiating the psychological trials of adolescence. Clinicians often aid teens in their struggles around issues of independence, self-esteem, social relationships, peer pressures, and school and family issues characteristic of the period.
Treatment Method
Adolescent treatment mirrors adult treatment in some ways, in that teenagers are capable of utilizing a verbal medium to express themselves. Teens can similarly process and integrate therapeutic messages, allowing for verbal treatment to take place. Of primary importance to a teenager is the therapeutic alliance between him or her and the clinician, making rapport and trust-building and a key component to the early phase of treatment. Our clinicians utilize a combination of insight-oriented verbal treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, “problem-solution” focused treatment and family therapy, depending on presenting issues and the cognitive and personality style of the client.
In many cases, our clinicians will arrange for parent-child sessions to allow for a dialogue between parents and their teens and to offer parents an opportunity to voice their concerns about their child directly with the therapist present.
Treatment Issues
Commonly treated issues amongst adolescents include:
- Parent-Child Difficulties
- Anxiety Disorders
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Oppositional-Defiant Behavior
- Academic Issues
- Educational/Vocational Planning
- Identity Development Issues
- Social Issues
- Relationship Difficulties