Diagnostics’ psychological staff offer expert psychological evaluations applied to a variety of settings. Evaluation helps to clearly delineate cognitive, educational and personality issues that present challenges in specific settings.
The Psychological Evaluation Services arm of our company focuses on conducting specialized psychological evaluations in a wide array of venues. Each of our evaluations is tailored to provide useful information about the client in question and aims at detailing recommendations to aid the client’s functioning.
Diagnostics’ psychological evaluations are intended to be tailored specifically to the client in question. However, evaluations tend to fall into several categories. We maintain three primary divisions at present. They are our:
Each of our divisions handles varied forms of psychological evaluation, albeit there is some overlap amongst them.
Testing Tools
Diagnostics’ evaluation services arm utilizes psychometric testing tools, projective materials and numerous specialized evaluation instruments to tailor psychological and neuropsychological testing batteries to client needs. Our evaluations typically include interviews with clients and collateral sources, psychological testing, and completion of collateral source psychometric scales as indicated.
Upon completion of data gathering, clinicians analyze material and compose comprehensive evaluation reports that address referral questions and offer detailed recommendations. Feedback interviews are offered to the client, as indicated.